The Sanwa OBSFS 30mm button is a quieter version of the classic OBSF 30mm which is the essential reference for 'Arcade' buttons.
Particularly suitable for fighting games, it is also found in many arcade sticks.
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 25 products)
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm black snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Blue snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm dark blue snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm green snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm orange snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm pink snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm purple snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm red snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Royal blue snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm vermillon snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm snap-in White pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm yellow snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Black gray snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm snap-in Blue and black rim pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Dark blue and black rim blue snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm snap-in Green and black rim pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Orange and black rim snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm snap-in Pink and black rim pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm snap-in Purple and black rim pushbutton for metal control panel.
Sanwa OBSFS 30mm Red and black rim snap-in pushbutton for metal control panel.
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 25 products)